The Blog

11/6/24 - Post-Election
    Well, my friends, the election has concluded. I'm going to continue as I always have, nothing, not even this, can stop me. I'm writing to remind you all that giving up is not the correct answer to this outcome. To surrender is to die. Things will get better, but you have to make it through to the other side to see that come to pass. I'm here, should anyone need anything. You can contact me through my chat box, my email, my guestbook, or my profile on the Melon Land forum. We have to stick together, no matter what happens. I will remain positive. There's no sense in worrying about things that have not come to pass. They may or may not happen. Focus on what is happening and what you are capable of changing. Reach out to those you care about and those you don't. Spread positivity.

9/27/24 - The Mighty Woodcock
    Enjoy this video. (:

9/23/24 - Sidewalk Problems
  For my first actual blog post, I will be complaining! I'm currently on my college campus and if I come face to face with one more person who has no consideration for other people, I'm going to snap!!! You do not need to walk two-wide on the fucking sidewalk! I'm done moving for you assholes! I'm done walking in traffic because you can't be assed to walk single-file for the two seconds it takes to pass me!
    I'm just so sick and tired of people not caring about each other. I'm fully aware this is like a complete non-issue, but to me it's a small but obvious symptom of the larger problem of people just not giving a shit. When I'm in someone's way I apologize and move. I can't even imagine not recognizing, "Hey, this guy is walking on his side of the sidewalk, I should maybe get onto my side long enough to pass him and then keep talking to my friend."
    I can't for the life of me figure out why the individual has become so self-absorbed. I can list off a bunch of different contributing factors, but my brain keeps thinking, "Surely there's one big one, right?" I don't know. It makes me so sad though. If everyone cared about each other just a little more the world would be so much better. And it takes almost nothing from you to reach out and be kind to the people around you. It makes you feel better too. I know it makes me feel better, at least.
    I've started this thing at work, I think some other people might benefit from it. When you're having a bad day and you feel like complete ass? Compliment people. Find one genuine compliment to give to the people you interact with. It doesn't have to be elaborate or anything, my usual compliment is that I like people's watches. Make it genuine though. It takes next to no effort from you and it improves someone else's day. By the end of it all, I usually wind up feeling better knowing that I made people happy, even if I wasn't at the time. It's really small things that can make a difference sometimes.

    This is the first official test of the blog page!